Блог Василия Пузанова aka Cothurnatus
Блог Василия Пузанова aka Cothurnatus

Тур по Чернобылю (Chernobyl tour) для недооблученных иностранцев

15th Апрель 2009 | рубрика Без рубрики

Путеводитель по Киеву для иностранцев («Kyiv This Month» №9 November-December 2008). Глава туры по Украине:

Chernobyl Tour

Located 120 km north from Kyiv, today the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is a tourist destination. To gain access to the 30km (19mi) Exclusion Zone you will need to arrange a day pass.The easiest way of obtaining one is through a tour operator in Kyiv.The tour takes the form of a busride from Kyiv in a group of several visitors. One-day packages include transportation and food cost $200 to $400, though we recommend to bring snacks and water with you. The sights usually include: Chernobyl reactor 4. You will be as close as 100 meters from the reactor sarcophagus. Although radiation level in this area will be higher than elsewhere in the Zone, you will not be exposed a significant dose during your stay Vehicle scrap yard. If you’re lucky you’ll be able to see the scrap yard containing the irradiated emergency vehicles, fire tenders, ambulances, trucks and helicopters which tended the disaster. Pripyat city. Famous ghost city once was home to 50,000 residents today is a freeze-frame of 1980’s Soviet life. Propaganda slogans still hang on walls, and children’s toys and other items remain as they were in 1986. Sights are schools, kinder-garten, public buildings and the amazing culture palace which contains a swimming pool, cinema and gym, and overlooks the famous Ferris wheel. The view from one of the Pripyat’s tall buildings reveals that the power plant is chillingly close to the town where its workers lived. Info:www.pripyat.com

Вот так! Так что, кто хочет облучиться — всегда рады, всегда пожалуйста!

Настроение: сонное

Музыка: Entertainment-The Nervous Talks


Один комментарий к
“Тур по Чернобылю (Chernobyl tour) для недооблученных иностранцев”

Да уж… Здорово. Не знаю, что и сказать. Действительно для «недооблученных иностранцев». 🙂 Особенно вот это мне нравится: «the amazing culture palace». Интересно, где они нашли AMAZING palace с 86 года? или они его отреставрировали?

[caption id="attachment_324" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Веселая жизнь"][/caption]

Настроение: усталое

Музыка: Burzum — Dunkelheit

Предыдущие записи

[caption id="attachment_338" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Готическая эволюция"][/caption]

Настроение: усталое

Музыка: лепет телевизора

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